IN STOCK // “Go Slow” Enamel Sign: the antidote for an accelerated world

STRONGBOXES / as simple as they are functional

Manufactured in the USA to our exacting standards, our strongboxes are more durable than most every box of its kind. Made from 22-gauge steel, spot-welded and emblazoned with an aluminum data plate, secured with a heavy-duty snap latch, and powder coated for the most durable finish.


SHORT SUPPLY / limited editions, advance releases, or products made by hand in small quantities.

Shop Short supply

LONG SUPPLY / The tried and true, the permanent collection.


EST. 2009 / Re-EST. 2024

In many ways, we’re a brand-new company, and in many ways, we’re not. We get to be both at once. We have fifteen years under our belts, but we plan to take Best Made to places we’ve never been before.